Short Film Entries Add Hype To TI7! Here’s Our Top 5 Picks

By: EsportsOnly.Com
Aug 02, 2017

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The Internationals do not only showcase intense Dota 2 matches; TIs also highlight other entertaining competitions like cosplaying and short film contest. While TI7 is just around the corner, artists have been submitting entries with superb animations. Chosen from different genres of comedy, suspense, action, and romance, here are our top picks for TI7 short film contest.

1. Dr. Zeuss in: Oh the People You’ll Meet

We picked Oh the People You’ll Meet as our favorite entry because of its story that highlights the nature of Dota 2 players you encounter in the game. This is very similar to our previously published article about the different types of players in your daily pub games. Aside from that, other aspects of this film are perfectly displayed such as smooth animation and the amazingly voiced over narration that mimic’s Dr. Seuss way of storytelling.

2. The Masked Warrior

This is one of the first short films submitted by a Filipino Dota fan and probably also the first one to showcase a local language. The Masked Warrior is a live action video set during the ancient time, three years after “The Great War.” The story revolves around Juggernaut who was ambushed by bandits as he took a journey with an old man. The encounter unleashed his inner abilities with the help of the mask and defeated his enemies. What’s so good about this film is its unique nature. Most of the films we see are hundred-percent computer animated but this one gives us a chill touch of nativity from props to backdrop, costumes, and language.

3. Alternative Tactic

Alternative Tactic is a 2D-animated film about Squee, Spleen, and Spoon’s life in a game as one of the most hated hero. Techies was being belittled and bullied from picking stage until mid-game but at the end, he was the one who won the game for his team thru his “alternative tactic.” Alternative Tactic is filled with humor but what we really like about this one is its portrayal of Dota 2’s nature of the game – the first team who blows up the enemy’s ancient is always the winner.

4. What Does a Hero Truly Fear? and Ability Madness

For the fourth spot, we have a tie. What Does a Hero Truly Fear is one of the first entries submitted in TI7 short film contest. Not only the animation is superb but also the attention to small details like the nightmare debuff on Axe. The film’s story is as impressive as how it looks – focusing on heroes’ nightmares and misplays in the game – which is not a cliché story at all.

Meanwhile, Ability Madness also has exceptional animation and detailed environment. The film is an action-filled brawl between heroes with mashed up abilities with a twist of humor and surprise. Both films have amazing particle effects and visualization which are evidences creators’ solid effort to create these beautiful pieces of art.

5. Little Dota World

Last on our top five picks is the Little Dota World. Little Dota World is a joyful film about the journey of a creep along the Dota 2 map where he encountered different heroes and different events. The stereographic projection of the map is a fun touch that justifies its title. The background music also fits perfectly into the animation which overall gives you a chill, joyful, and fun adventure film.

Final entries of The Short Film contest will be displayed on the stage of The International 7 main event. Top three winners will receive cash prizes of $25,000, $10,000, and $5,000 while all the Top 10 finalists will be guaranteed $500 USD at least. Watch all fifteen entries and cast your votes now thru Dota 2 game client!