Big CS:GO Roster Changes and Transfers (March, 2019)

By: EsportsOnly.Com
Mar 24, 2019

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The month of March has been very eventful in CS:GO, with multiple important teams making CS:GO roster changes and transfers. In this article, we will offer you an analysis of the most important roster moves and their implications for the professional CS:GO scene.

CS:GO Roster Changes – Teams and Players

These are the top teams and players that have made moves during the month of March.


Cloud9 got tired of their never-ending stream of poor results and decided to bring back Golden, a player with some exceptional skills who used to play for Fnatic. He also played for C9 previously for a number of months, but was benched. Now, he is back and Flusha was released from the team.

Cloud9 also released Zellsis, who didn’t manage to impress the club’s management apparently. In his place, C9 brought in another player on trial: vice from Rogue. Very little is known about him but Rogue isn’t exactly a top team in North America. So there isn’t much of a chance for a spectacular upgrade in performance. We expect Cloud9 to continue as before.

G2 Esports

G2 Esports finally decided to get rid of boddy and bring in AMANEK. The team had an extremely disappointing 2018 and even more recently, in 2019, suffered unexpected defeats at the hands of weaker squads.

G2’s 3rd place finish at the recent WESG 2018-2019 showed that kennyS and his teammates are still capable of performing at the top level. But changes are definitely needed in order to bring the French roster back to where it was in 2017.


The Ninjas benched dennis and brought in draken as a substitute, an AWP player who used to play for them with varying degrees of success. The main problem with draken is his inconsistency. He can be amazing but he can also miss some ridiculously easy shots.

NIP Draken Twitter

We predict that NiP’s strength will decrease with this temporary roster, not only because dennis is a much better player than draken but also because of the overall cohesion of the team. Expect NiP to lose a lot of important matches in the weeks to come.


This is a hugely important team with amazing past results and high expectations for the future. However, their current roster is almost entirely new. Only 2 of the former mousesports players are still around. These players are chrisJ and ropz.

The team brought in one of the best captains in CS:GO. For completely unknown reasons, karrigan departed from FaZe Clan and his now the captain of a new team with several superstars in it. It remains to be seen what he can do with this lineup but based on his past results, he should be able to turn mousesports into a top 6 team.

The other two players that complete the roster are woxic and frozen. Both of them joined the team less than 2 weeks ago and will have to blend in as fast as possible.

compLexity Gaming

compLexity came close to doing something important at the recent IEM Katowice Major, but unfortunately they failed to qualify for the 3rd stage. They lost their last match against FaZe Clan, after having a 1 – 0 lead.

As a member of that team, n0thing did all he could to succeed and help his teammates. But his position of a stand-in did not allow him to perform miracles. He did his part, motivated everyone, but that’s about it. Now he has finally left the team.

To replace him, compLexity Gaming brought in SicK from Rogue Gaming. It is not yet clear how well he can perform, but we’re skeptical about coL’s chances going forward. If n0thing couldn’t help them, then nothing will. Unless they bring in a star player, which is not likely to happen very soon.